Full paper

Full paper

Extend deadline (14th december)

Hereafter are the guidelines for your full paper submission

Please find a word file with the guidelines as well as a model for the papers:

Author Instructions ECPA2019

Additional advice ECPA2019

Additional advice from the Editor, Dr John Stafford

  1. If English is not your native language, take special care that your paper is in acceptable English. You may be fluent in speaking English – but writing English is a very different matter! You are strongly advised to have your paper checked/corrected by a competent native English speaker before submission.
  2. The paper limit is 8 A4 sides. Your paper will be returned if you exceed the limit. Equally, it is unlikely that your paper will adequately describe your project if less than 5 or 6 sides.
  3. The conference is on precision agriculture. Delegates do not need any general description of precision agriculture in your paper. Do not describe what is likely to be common knowledge to conference delegates.
  4. Author Instructions [ https://ecpa2019.agrotic.org/full-paper-submission/ ] are the first thing you should read – not the last!
  5. You have been requested to submit a full paper on the basis of your abstract. Your paper will be subject to two scientific assessors and the Editor’s scrutiny. The result will be either a) acceptance as is or, b) a request to revise your paper (subject to further check by the Editor) or, c) poster presentation instead of oral or, d) rejection.
  6. This editor prefers the use of the passive voice in papers and avoidance of the use of the royal ‘we’!
  7. What you have done should be in the past tense – not the present.
  8. All abbreviations should be in full at first use.
  9. Include a clear objective/hypothesis early in the paper.
  10. Use only SI units and the correct abbreviations for SI units.

The submission of full papers is done using the OASES website

Papers should be submitted (uploaded) using the Wageningen Academic Publishers website using the link received by email notification after abstracts acceptance. When preparing your paper please strictly adhere to the authors instructions specified by the publishers, Wageningen Academic Publishers. The guidelines for papers are available in the doc file of this page. Papers must be written in English (British spelling). Prior to submission please have your manuscript checked for correct language by a native English speaker. Manuscripts with serious linguistic shortcomings will not be accepted for publication.

The submission deadline is the 14th December 2018. Early submissions would be appreciated.

Please note: Only payment of the registration fee entitles you to have your paper printed in the Proceedings. Registration will be open soon. We encourage you to register early and arrange your travel in good time in order to minimise costs. Early bird registration closes 15th April 2019; decision on acceptance of full papers will be communicated before.