ECPA Timetable

ECPA Timetable

You can find here the temporary program of ECPA2019. This program is not in its final form.

There will also be workshops to be added to this program.

A more detailed program will be available soon.


Monday 8 Jul 2019

08:00 - 10:00 Registration


Organizing CommitteeMontpellier SupAgro Hall d'Honneur

The welcome will start at 8am.

Mon 08:00 - 10:00

09:00 - 10:20 Opening Session

Linking Remote Sensing with physical modelling of vegetation to characterize vegetation status and development: methods, challenges and perspectives

Jean-Baptiste FéretLamour Auditorium

Physical modeling plays an important role in precision agriculture and vegetation monitoring based on remote sensing. The increasing capacity to account for both structural and biochemical properties into improved modeling tools now broadens the potential of operational applications beyond homogeneous crop surfaces, and brings new perspectives for fine scale monitoring, such as close range remote sensing for disease detection, and explicit 3D representation of heterogeneous vegetation covers. This presentation will introduce recent advances in physical modeling of vegetation, its integration into current remote sensing data sources (such as Sentinel-2 data and UAVs), and the combination with field information collected with complementary sensor systems.

Jean-Baptiste Féret obtained his degree in Agronomy Engineering from the International Center for Higher Education in Agricultural Sciences (Montpellier SupAgro, France) in 2005 and specialized in information and communication technologies applied to agriculture (AgroTIC). He worked on the characterization of soils properties in Mediterranean vineyards using hyperspectral remote sensing during his Master thesis. He specialized on physical modeling of vegetation during his PhD and obtained his Ph.D. degree in Environmental Sciences from Université Pierre et Marie Curie – Paris 6, France in 2009, entitled “Contribution of physical modeling for the estimation of leaf pigment content using remote sensing”. He developed the latest versions of the PROSPECT leaf model since then: PROSPECT-5 and PROSPECT-D. He worked as post-doctoral researcher in Asner Lab (Department of Global Ecology, Carnegie Institution for Science, Stanford, CA) from 2010 to 2014 where he became project leader for biodiversity mapping for the Carnegie Airborne Observatory project. In 2014, he was funded by the French space agency (CNES) and worked at CESBIO (Toulouse, France), on the preparation of hyperspectral satellite missions. He particularly focused on applications related to the monitoring of tropical biodiversity with a combination of 3D radiative transfer models and image processing tools. He is affiliated with the National Research Institute of Science and Technology for Environment and Agriculture (Irstea) since 2014, and works at the TETIS joint research unit. His main research interests are focused on i) improving leaf scale modeling as well as the integration of multiple data sources (such as LiDAR & spectroscopy) into complex 3D canopy models (DART) in order to broaden their domain of application for heterogeneous canopies, and ii) developing methods combining physical modeling and machine learning for the monitoring of natural and monitored ecosystems based on their biophysical properties.
Mon 09:00 - 10:20

10:50 - 12:50

Crop Model Applications and Precision Pasture

Roger Sylvester-BradleyAuditorium 206


Integrating geospatial tools and a crop simulation model to understand spatial and temporal variability of cereals in Scotland

Presented by Cammarano, D.


Extending the use of CERES-Beet model to simulate leaf disease in sugar beet

Presented by Memic, E.


Using the WOFOST crop growth model to assess within-field yield variability

Presented by Mimic, G.


Long-term evaluation of the Grassmaster II probe to estimate productivity of pastures

Presented by Serrano, J.


Delineation of management zones in an agrosylvopastoral ecosystem based on the Rasch model

Presented by Moral, F.J.


Proximal versus remote sensing to monitoring pasture quality in Mediterranean montado ecosystem

Presented by Serrano, J.



Mon 10:50 - 12:50
Model, Pasture

Proximal Sensing - Image Analysis

Victor AlchanatiAuditorium 208


Species distribution mapping of grass clover leys using images for targeted nitrogen fertilization

Presented by Skovsen, S.


Accurate segmentation of grass-sward structures in RGB images using machine learning algorithms

Presented by Rueda-Ayala, V.P.


Identifying the Fusarium spp. infestation in winter wheat based on RGB imaginary

Presented by Peteinatos, G.G.


Deep learning for in-field image-based grapevine downy mildew identification

Presented by Boulent, J.


On-board colour imaging for the detection of downy mildew

Presented by Abdelghafour, F.

Mon 10:50 - 12:50
Proximal Sensing

Satellite Applications - Irrigation

Gonzaga SantestebanAuditorium Lamour


Cost-effectiveness and performance of optical satellites constellation for Precision Agriculture

Presented by Sartori, L.


Accuracy of crop coefficient estimation methods based on satellite imagery

Presented by Beeri, O.


Estimating cotton water requirements using Sentinel-2: model development and validation

Presented by Rozenstein, O.


Assessing spatial and temporal variability in evapotranspiration for olive orchards in Tunisia using satellite remote sensing

Presented by Mulla, D.J.


Can time series of multispectral satellite images be used to estimate stem water potential in vineyards?

Presented by Cohen, Y.


Assessing infield temporal and spatial variability of leaf water potential using satellite imagery and meteorological data

Presented by Beeri, O.



Mon 10:50 - 12:50
Irrigation, Satellite

14:00 - 15:40 Session 2

Nitrogen Sensing

Raj KhoslaAuditorium Lamour


Optimizing durum wheat cultivation in Northern Italy: assessing proximal and remote sensing derived from different platforms for variable-rate application of nitrogen

Presented by Moretto, J.


Vegetation indices from remote sensing imagery as proxies for yield and grain N in wheat

Presented by Quemada, M.


Assessing sampling strategies and soil sensors performance in the detection of field scale variability of plant-available nitrogen

Presented by Gebbers, R.


Near-real time winter wheat N uptake from a combination of proximal and remote optical measurements: how to refine Sentinel-2 satellite images for use in a precision agriculture decision support system

Presented by Wolters, S.


Interaction between soil variability and maize nitrogen status assessment from Sentinel-2

Presented by Crema, A.

Mon 14:00 - 15:40

Precision Weed Management

Manuel Perez-RuizAuditorium 208


Overfitting a convolutional neural network to support annotations of weeds

Presented by Dyrmann, M.


Preliminary study for weed biomass prediction combining visible images with a plant-growth model

Presented by Gée, C.


Marrying futuristic weed mapping with current herbicide sprayer capacities

Presented by Somerville, G.J.


Implications of dose-response relationships of herbicide droplet applications for leaf-specific weed control in leeks

Presented by Koukiasas, N.


Use of simulations to study herbicide site specific spraying

Presetend by Villette, S.

Mon 14:00 - 15:40
Weed Management

Satellite Applications - Yield

Francelino RodriguesAuditorium 206


Sentinel-2 vegetation indices and apparent electrical conductivity to predict barley (Hordeum vulgare L.) yield

Presented by Martínez-Casasnovas, J.A.


Satellite-based detection of sowing dates in field crops

Presented by Sadeh, Y.S.


A cotton yield estimation model based on agrometeorological and high resolution remote sensing data

Presented by Karantzalos, K.


Satellite based modelling of protein content in winter wheat and malting barley

Presented by Borjesson, T.


Adopting precision agriculture to improve the cultivation of old wheat varieties in Tuscany (Italy)

Presented by Fabbri, C.





Mon 14:00 - 15:40
Satellite, Yield

Yield variation and gaps

Davide CammaranoRoom 104


Assessing the spatial variability of winter wheat yield in large-scale paddy fields of Japan using structural equation modelling

Presented by Tanaka, T.S.T.


Variation across scales indicates that best progress in crop yields should come from farmer-centric research

Presented by Sylvester-Bradley, R.


Production gap analysis – an operational approach to yield gap analysis using historical high-resolution yield data sets

Presented by Leroux, C.L.


Identifying yield stability and drivers of yield variability in cotton using multi-layered, whole-farm datasets

Presented by Filippi, P.


Mon 14:00 - 15:40

16:20 - 18:20 Session 3

Data Analysis for Precision Agriculture

Gabriele ButtafuocoRoom 104


Using yield monitor data to guide precision nitrogen application
Presented by Brorsen, B.W.


Spatial analysis of mycotoxins in stored grain to develop more precise management strategies
Presented by Kerry, R.


Can mapping of within-vineyard variability be facilitated using data from multiple vineyards?
Presented by Sams, B.S.


Investigating the harmonization of highly noisy heterogeneous datasets hand-collected over the same study domain
Presented by Pichon, L.

Mon 16:20 - 18:20
Spatial Data

Nitrogen Management

Yuxin MiaoAuditorium 206


Potential of optical sensors for nitrogen management in spring barley

Presented by Hackett, R.


Integrated approach for site-specific nitrogen management in North Dakota, USA

Presented by Franzen, D.W.


Crop imaging and soil adjusted variable rate nitrogen application in winter wheat

Presented by Argento, F.


Effect of variable rate phosphorus and nitrogen fertilizing on winter wheat (Triticum aestivum L.) in Mezőföld, Hungary

Presented by Milics, G.


Precision nitrogen and water management for maize production in the western great plains of the US

Presented by Khosla, R.


Statistical model to overcome rice variety effect in precision fertilisation

Presented by Sacco, D.

Mon 16:20 - 18:20

On-farm Experimentation

Louis LongchampsAuditorium Lamour


Improving yield mapping accuracy using remote sensing

Presented by Gonçalves Trevisan, R.


Operating Farmer Idea Groups (FIGs) for testing yield enhancing ideas using on-farm experimentation

Presented by Clarke, C.


Site-specific treatment responses in on-farm precision experimentation

Presented by Martin, N.


The economic value of on-farm precision experimentation

Presened by Bullock, D.S.


Understanding intra-field variation in N requirement for oilseed rape

Presented by Storer, K.


Mon 16:20 - 18:20

Proximal Sensing - Disease/Thermal Applications

Javier TardaguilaAuditorium 208


Using computational optics for agricultural monitoring with an emphasis on irrigation management zones

Presented by Klapp, I.


Design of a portable sensor suite for real-time monitoring of crop water stress index in maize breeding plots

Presented by Apolo-Apolo, O.E.


Characterisation of fungal diseases on winter wheat crop using proximal and remote multispectral imaging

Presented by Bebronne, R.


3D point clouds from UAV imagery for precise plant protection in fruit orchards

Presented by Hobart, M.



Mon 16:20 - 18:20
Proximal Sensing

Tuesday 9 Jul 2019

08:20 - 10:00 Session 4

Adoption - Part 1

James TaylorAuditorium 206


How does European adoption of precision agriculture compare to worldwide trends?
Presented by Lowenberg-Deboer, J.M.


Collection of agricultural data and evaluation of their usefulness for farm management in Australian cropping and red meat industries
Presented by Zhang, A.


A collective framework to assess the adoption of precision agriculture in France: description and preliminary results after two years
Presented by Lachia, N.

Tue 08:20 - 10:00

UAVs in specialty crops

Francesco MarinelloAuditorium 208


Estimating melon yield for breeding processes by machine-vision processing of UAV images
Presented by Klatner, A.


A multispectral processing chain for chlorophyll content assessment in banana fields by UAV imagery
Presented by Rabatel, G.


Using remote sensing to map in-field variability of peanut maturity
Presented by Vellidis, G.


A precision viticulture UAV-based approach for early yield prediction in vineyard
Presented by Di Gennaro, S.F.

Tue 08:20 - 10:00
Horticulture, UAV

Yield Prediction Approaches

Ruth KerryAuditorium Lamour


Wheat yield forecast using contextual spatial information
Presented by Fajardo, M.


Evaluation of a functional Bayesian method to analyse time series data in precision viticulture
Presented by Laurent, C.


Maize yield prediction based on artificial intelligence using spatio-temporal data
Presented by Nyéki, A.

Tue 08:20 - 10:00
Model, Yield

10:00 - 11:00 Plenary 2

Making Precision Agriculture work for Smallholder Farmers

Benjamin Kwasi AddomLamour Auditorium

The Technical Centre for Agricultural and Rural Cooperation (CTA) based in the Netherlands has been at the forefront of promoting the development and deployment of information and communication technologies (ICTs) into the agricultural sector. This consists of facilitating the development of new applications; testing and piloting promising solutions; and supporting viable systems for scale and sustainability.

With its refreshed strategy for 2017-2020, CTA identifies digitalisation as one its three intervention areas. Within this, precision agriculture is core with the goal of assisting smallholder farmers increase productivity and profitability. This is done through a number of projects that take advantage of remote-sensing tools (satellite data, drones, sensors, mobile applications, and IoT devices) to provide customised information and messages for farmers on what to do, how to do it and when to do it. Providing farmers with timely information that is precise and locally relevant by deploying location-based solutions that enable producers to find relevant markets for their goods, and consumers to trace the sources of their items.

Using some of our on-going projects across Africa, Caribbean and Pacifica countries, the presentation will highlight the huge potential of these remote-sensing technologies to transform smallholder agriculture as well as challenges associated with the deployment and use of the tools.

Dr Benjamin K. Addom is the Team Leader, ICTs for Agriculture at the Technical Centre for Agricultural and Rural Cooperation (CTA). He is an expert in digital solutions for agriculture (digitalisation in agriculture). He specifically focuses on the intersection of mobile applications, remote sensing technologies and innovative business partnerships for scale and sustainability. He has over 20 years of experience with smallholder farming; extension and advisory service provision; resource mobilisation and fundraising; agribusiness development; project design and implementation; business development; and grant management. He holds Doctorate in Information Science and Technology from Syracuse University School of Information Studies, USA; Masters in International Agriculture and Rural Development from Cornell University, USA; and Bachelors in General Agriculture from the University of Cape Coast, Ghana. Ben had first-hand experience of smallholder agriculture in Ghana prior to secondary and college education. He then spent over 4 years as agricultural extension officer with both the public and private sector service providers in Northern Ghana. He spent 10 years in the US researching and exploring the potentials of ICTs in supporting agribusiness, extension and advisory services. At CTA, he leads a team of 10 including Senior Programme Coordinators, Project Officers, Interns and Project Assistants. He also designs and implements ICT4Ag projects that aim at reaching the smallholder farmers on the ground. He led the technical organisation of the ICT4Ag International Conference in Kigali, 2013. He coordinated the implementation of five projects across Africa and Caribbean to understand models of ICT4Ag services provision in 2014/15. In 2015, he coordinated the implementation of two mobile platforms to overcome digital literacy and increase subscription base. He coordinated the development and deployment of the CTA’s Apps4Ag Database that has over 400 apps for agriculture. He is also currently managing a multi-million, multi-partnership, & multi-year e-extension MUIIS project in Uganda that utilizes remote sensing/satellite-based data to inform extension and advisory services to over 350,000 maize, soya bean and sesame farmers.
Tue 10:00 - 11:00

10:00 - 11:00 Side-Event : European Commission

Side-Event : The contribution of precision agriculture technologies to farm productivity and the mitigation of greenhouse gas emissions in the EU

European Commission StudyRoom 104

Presentation of the results of the European Commission Study

Tue 10:00 - 11:00

11:30 - 12:50 Session 5

Deep Learning Applications

Thomas BishopAuditorium 206


Deep learning-based image segmentation for grape bunch detection
Presented by Milella, A.


Estimation of the leaf area index in maize based on UAV imagery using deep learning techniques
Presented  by Jorge Martínez-Guanter, J.M.G.


A multi-disciplinary approach for the precision management of lodging risk
Presented by Hatley, D.

Tue 11:30 - 12:50
Deep Learning

Economics and Adoption - Part 2

Jesse Lowenberg-DeboerLamour Auditorium


Dividing the risk – theoretical exploration of increasing N management temporal granularity in maize
Presented by Hunt, A.G.


Financial and environmental performance of integrated precision farming systems
Presented by Pedersen, S.M.


Evaluating the potential benefits of field-specific nitrogen management of spring maize in northeast China
Presented by Miao, Y.


User needs for decision support functionalities in future crop protection software
Presented by Nikander, J.



Tue 11:30 - 12:50

Hyperspectral Sensing

Jose MolinAuditorium 208


Early detection of Fusarium infection in corn using spectral analysis
Presented by Sandovsky, T.


Image-based assessment of hyperspectral reflectance characteristics of plants in the field: Lessons Learned
Presented by Behmann, J.


Hyperspectral imaging application under field conditions: assessment of the spatio-temporal variability of grape composition within a vineyard
Presented by Tardaguila, J.


UAV-based hyperspectral imaging for weed discrimination in maize
Presented by Casa, R.


Tue 11:30 - 12:50
Proximal Sensing

14:00 - 15:40 Plenary 3 and Platinum sponsors presentation

GNSS and EGNOS (SBAS) for farming: all you need to know from this European free service

Sofía CillaLamour Auditorium

Nowadays, tractor guidance is a key technology for farmers: it lowers crop cost thanks to savings in chemicals as it reduce skips and overlaps, especially when relying on visual estimation of swath distance and/or counting rows. Global Navigation Satellite System are the core technology on which tractor guidance relies. In this presentation European GNSS will be introduced. The focus will be placed in EGNOS, which will be described in detail providing all the practical aspects that the practitioners (advisors, manufacturers, farmers, etc. need to know: equipment configuration guides available (and where to find them), how to contact for receiving free support and many other tools (cost assessments, performance maps, success stories etc). The presentation will also focus on the current services associated with EGNOS and their evolution in the future. the latter will allow the ECPA scientific community to assess the potential of future projects in precision agriculture on the basis of the free correction services offered by EGNOS.

Sofia Cilla Sofia Cilla obtained a PhD in Physics by the University of Zaragoza, Spain. She joined GMV (aero-spatial company within the private sector) when European GNSS space programs where just starting the design phase. She worked on the development of EGNOS and GALILEO for more than eight years. On 2009 she joined ESSP, the company that has been providing EGNOS service since it became operational. She has been involved in different activities, from performance analysis to setting up a receiver lab. She is now managing the team in charge of fostering EGNOS adoption for all markets (aviation, maritime, surveying, agriculture and rail), and being directly involved in the activities to increase EGNOS awareness within European farming community.
Tue 14:00 - 15:40

16:20 - 18:20 Session 6

Digital Agriculture / Soil Sensing

Mats SoderstromAuditorium 208


Agriculture and digital sustainability: a Digitization Footprint
Presented by Marinello, F.


The emerging structure of the U.S. precision agriculture industry
Presented by Mcfadden, J.


Empowering farmers by resolving the trust and legal issues emerging from precision farming
Presented by Wiseman, L.G.


Automated mixed-scale data fusion for mapping of within-field variation in a national decision support system – the example of pH correction
Presented by Piikki, K.


Creating soil texture maps for precision liming using electrical resistivity and gamma ray mapping
Presented by Schröter, I.

Tue 16:20 - 18:20

GNSS Applications and Robotics

Sofía CillaAuditorium 206


Determination of a field boundary using ISO 11783 and D-GNSS data acquired during a ploughing operation
Presented by Heiß, A.


Hybrid topological location and mapping for autonomous agricultural robots
Presented by Emmi, L.


Analysis of historical auto-steering position data for optimising headland turning time
Presented by Paraforos, D.S.


Model validation of the dynamics of a no-till seeding assembly with a magneto-rheological damper system
Presented by Sharipov, G.M.


Proof-of-concept modular robot platform for cauliflower harvesting
Presented by Klein, F.B.


Soft manipulator robot for selective tomato harvesting
Presented by Mohamed, A.


Tue 16:20 - 18:20
GNSS, Robotics

Side-Event : Training Workshop on Google Earth Engine

Room 9/102

Tue 16:20 - 18:20

Variable-rate Irrigation Studies

George VellidisLamour Auditorium


Use of soil electrical conductivity mapping in variable rate irrigation
Presented by Sui, R.

A model for precision irrigation scheduling of soybeans for the South-eastern U.S.
Presented by Liakos, V.


Evaluating and improving soil sensor-based variable irrigation scheduling on farmers’ fields in Alabama
Presented by Bondesan, L.


Comparing satellite and high-resolution visible and thermal aerial imaging of field crops for precision irrigation management and plant biomass forecast
Presented by Chen, A.


Comparison of precision and conventional irrigation management of cotton
Presented by Vories, E.D.


Comparison of water potential and yield parameters under uniform and variable rate drip irrigation in a cabernet sauvignon vineyard
Presented by Bahat, I.

Tue 16:20 - 18:20

Wednesday 10 Jul 2019

15:00 - 16:40 Session 7

Management Zone Applications

Brett WhelanAuditorium 208


A geophysical and spectrometric sensor data fusion approach for homogeneous withinfield zone delineation
Presented by Buttafuoco, G.


Combining crop modelling and remote sensing to create yield maps for management zone delineation in small scale farming systems
Presented by Cammarano, D.


Can satellite-derived vigour maps be used to delineate homogeneous zones in hedgerow olive orchards?
Presented by Campillo, C.


An iterative region growing algorithm to generate fuzzy management zones within fields
Presented by Leroux, C.L.


Wed 15:00 - 16:40
Spatial Data

Precision Viticulture/ Horticulture

Nicolas DevauxAuditorium 206


Yield sensing technologies for horticultural crops: a short review
Presented by Longchamps, L.


Assessment of grapevine yield and quality using a canopy spectral index in white grape variety
Presented by Sozzi, M.


Combining target sampling with route-optimization to optimise yield estimation in viticulture
Presented by Oger, B.


Disentangling the sources of chlorophyll-content variability in banana fields
Presented by Lamour, J.

Wed 15:00 - 16:40

Proximal Sensing - LiDAR and 3D

Alessandro MateseAuditorium Lamour


Calculating the water deficit spatially using LiDAR laser scanner in an apple orchard
Presented by Tsoulias, N.


Investigation on LiDAR-based indicators for predicting agrochemical deposition within a vine field
Presented by Cheraiet, A.


Characterisation of cereal morphology through proximal stereo vision under contrasting nitrogen inputs
Presented by Dandrifosse, S.


Using terrestrial photogrammetry for leaf area estimation in maize under different plant growth stages
Presented by Reiser, D.


Assessment of vineyard trimming and leaf removal using UAV photogrammetry
Presented by Torres-Sánchez, J.

Wed 15:00 - 16:40
3D, Proximal Sensing

Thursday 11 Jul 2019

09:00 - 10:00 Plenary 4

Challenges and opportunities of 3D data in Agriculture

Álex EscoláLamour Auditorium

3D information on crops and even on animals is an important issue in agriculture. Basic geometric measurements (i.e. height, width and volume) as well as structural measurements (tree training, woody structure and canopy porosity) have always been taken in the fields, orchards and in animal farms since they are considered of importance in the decision making process for several purposes. The recent explosive technological development of sensors, robotics, computers and processing techniques have turned 3D electronic characterization of farms into a quite affordable means to obtain detailed information of the whole farm in an easy, objective and repeatable way. The keynote will discuss the current and possible future solutions to obtain 3D data in agriculture, their processing requirements and their current and potential use in the decision making stage of the Precision Agriculture cycle.

Alexandre Escolà attended the studies of Agricultural Technical Engineering (equivalent to a degree) and Agronomy Engineering (equivalent to a Master Science) at the School of Agrifood and Forestry Science and Engineering of the University of Lleida, Catalonia. His degree and master theses were related to the use of sensors to enhance applications of pesticides in fruit orchards. This work was completed in 2010 with a Ph.D. thesis entitled “Method for real-time variable rate application of plant protection products in precision horticulture/fruticulture”. In 2001, he was employed as part-time assistant professor and since 2006 as a full-time Professor Col·laborador (equivalent to assistant professor). From 2013 he is a Professor Agregat (equivalent to associate professor) at the same center. His research is carried out in the GRAP, the Research Group on AgroICT & Precision Agriculture of the University of Lleida-Agrotecnio Center. His research lines focuses on electronic characterization of vegetation, especially in fruticulture and viticulture, soil surveying and in Precision Agriculture in general to provide advisors and farmers with useful information to help them in the decision-making process. Regarding his teaching, he is member and Academic Secretary of the Department of Agricultural and Forest Engineering. Currently, he teaches courses of Precision Agriculture, Mechatronics, Computers and Agricultural Robotics at the School of Agrifood and Forestry Science and Engineering and at the Polytechnic School of the University of Lleida.
Thu 09:00 - 10:00

10:40 - 13:00 Session 8

Precision Irrigation - Modelling and DSS

José Antonio Martinez CasasnovasAuditorium 208


Easy water stress detection system for vineyard irrigation management
Presented by Brunel, G.


Use of an integrated model of water consumption as a decision support system for scheduling regulated deficit irrigation in a vineyard
Presented by Bellvert, J.


Automated irrigation scheduling for drip-irrigated plum trees.
Presented by Sandra Millán, S.M.A.


Modeling spatio-temporal variations in crop water stress for variable-rate irrigation
Presented by Hansen, N.C.


Artificial neural networks for irrigation management: a case study from southern Alabama, USA
Presented by Jimenez, A.F.


A variable rate irrigation decision support system for corn in the US eastern coastal plain
Presented by Stone, K.

Thu 10:40 - 13:00
Irrigation, Model

Precision Spray Applications

Jordi LlorensAuditorium 206


Investigation of spraying efficiency of an aerial spraying system in a super-high density olive grove in Greece
Presented by Aru, F.


Early detection of corn and sunflower stress induced by chemical spraying
Presented by Gad, S.


Exploring the factors affecting spatio-temporal variation in grapevine powdery mildew
Presented by Caffarra, A.


Monitoring site-specific spraying in vineyards from a prescription map obtained with a UAV
Presented by Campos, J.


Precision spraying by combining a variable rate application map with an on/off map
Presented by Hørfarter, R

Thu 10:40 - 13:00

UAV Applications - SfM and 3D

Álex EscoláLamour Auditorium


Missing plant detection and biomass estimation from 3D models generated from UAV in a vineyard
Presented by Matese, A.


Accessing the plant architecture in 3D for plant phenotyping – recent approaches and requirements
Presented by Paulus, S.


The application of structure from motion techniques in late-season corn damage
Presented by Czarnecki, J.M.P.


A UAV-based system for monitoring crop growth in wheat, barley and triticale phenotyping field trials
Presented by Peña, J.M.


Developing crop canopy model for irrigation of high-density olive groves by using UAV imagery
Presented by Zancanaro, E.


Drone dataflow – a MATLAB toolbox for extracting plots from images captured by a UAV
Presented by Mortensen, A.K.

Thu 10:40 - 13:00

14:00 - 15:00 Closing Ceremony

Closing Conference

Auditorium Lamour

Thu 14:00 - 15:00